Morning KIX Karaoke – “We Can’t Take All This Snow”
By Jen Fox on 1-26-2023
Ok, so maybe we didn’t get as much snow as we all thought we would get… And sure, maybe everything has basically melted, leaving behind zero evidence that we ever even got snow yesterday… And yes, we had big plans for a snow day with fun snow-themed music and content… But no, we didn’t want to … Continue reading Morning KIX Karaoke – “We Can’t Take All This Snow”

Morning KIX Karaoke – “I’m Diggin’ Out”
By Jen Fox on 1-25-2023
What happened to a massive snow storm! We had all this stuff planned to talk about and sing about, all about SNOW, and we hardly get any! So we’re pretending it’s a snow day anyway. We’re pretending there are big snow flakes falling, and snowmen being built, and everyone is having a great time at … Continue reading Morning KIX Karaoke – “I’m Diggin’ Out”