Morning KIX Karaoke – “53 is Sexy”
By Jen Fox on 5-18-2023
According to some new research, 53 is the age when we feel our sexiest! 41% of 53-year-olds said they were more comfortable in their own skin and confident about their looks than ever before. A fifth of those folks also think their love life is spicier and more exciting than when they were younger. So, … Continue reading Morning KIX Karaoke – “53 is Sexy”

Country Dirt – Corey Kent Jelly Roll Dylan Scott
By Jen Fox on 5-18-2023
Congratulations to Corey Kent! His song “Wild As Her” just hit #1, and he says the whole thing is just really surreal. Jelly Roll has a new documentary called “Save Me” that premieres on Hulu on May 30th, and Jelly Roll says he had a very overwhelming reaction the first time he saw the trailer. … Continue reading Country Dirt – Corey Kent Jelly Roll Dylan Scott