Morning KIX Karaoke – We’re in Debt!
By Jen Fox on 8-9-2022
Y’all, we’ve got a lot of debt. As a country, our debt exceeds $30 trillion for the first time in history. Sure, the federal debt has been high and rising for decades, but within the last three years, our national debt has increased nearly $10 trillion. So, here we are… Broke, and trying to get … Continue reading Morning KIX Karaoke – We’re in Debt!

Morning KIX Karaoke – “You Deserve a Morning KIX”
By Jen Fox on 8-4-2022
You are awesome. You work hard. You do your best. You’ve got a lot going on, and somehow you manage it all! It’s impressive, and if I’m being frank… (or Randy.. Or Jen..) you deserve a Morning KIX! Ya know, just a little something to hopefully make your weekday a little bit brighter. Friends, hanging … Continue reading Morning KIX Karaoke – “You Deserve a Morning KIX”